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Touch Up 6-8 Weeks.
Refine your brows and correct any irregularities.
1.5 hr I £60

It takes a minimum of four weeks after your Microblding treatment, for the pigment colour to settle and give your brows time to heal properly. Following the healing period, your brows may need a touch up.
Your Microblading touch up in Warwick should be booked within 8 weeks of the initial procedure.
The brow touch up is shorter than the initial procedure. Its purpose is to correct any irregularities. This is a repetition of the initial procedure but focuses on any areas that you wish to adapt or where it is necessary to fill in due to scabbing.
The touch up is optional, but if your brows heal irregularly, or you wish to achieve more depth, alter the shape or thickness, you may wish to book this session to tweak your brows and ensure a satisfying outcome.
Adapt and refine your brows or correct any irregularities.
1.5 hr I £60
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